Upcoming Events
Aug. 15*: NYC Hybrid Allocator Lunch at Morton’s (5th Ave.) & Zoom on “Guest Rooms of the Future”**
Aug. 21*: NYC SFO Lunch on “What Scares Family Offices?” at Control Risk**
Sept. 12*: London Hybrid Allocator Lunch at The May Fair Hotel & Zoom before Conference
Sept. 12-13: London - www.361firm.com/lnsept
Oct. 10*: New York Hybrid Allocator Lunch at Polsinelli & Zoom before NY Conference
Oct. 10: New York - www.361firm.com/nyoct
Oct. 17: Chicago - www.361firm.com/chi24
Oct. 18-20 60M Congress - https://60mln.pl/en/
Oct. 30: Raleigh - We rejoin the Eclipse IP Futures Conference - https://361.pub/eclipse24
Nov. 21-22: London Advance Tomorrow Summit 2 + 361Firm Roundtables & Nov. 20 361Firm Tour and Roundtables in Cambridge - register interest at 361firm.com/lonatom
Dec. 3: New York - www.361firm.com/nydec
Jan. 24-27: Naples & Miami - 8th Florida Conference - www.361firm.com/fl25
Feb. 4-8: 361 GCC Tour. Feb 4-5: Riyadh “World With Purpose” Summit 2 / 361 Roundtables, Feb. 6-8 361 Events in Abu Dhabi, Dubai & Desert Trek - register interest at 361firm.com/gcc25.
*For QP investors actively allocating as LPs, approved by 361Firm via our Diagnostic. Beyond Investor events, approved QPs can access Deal decks and information via our Deal Pipeline page with a password (you can request via this special email form - click on msanor@361firm.com).
** If interested to join, email Mark at msanor@361firm.com